Start a simple creative practice today.

Lower your stress. Enjoy the process. Express yourself through art.

  • Gain confidence in your unique creative talents.

  • Mess around with paint in a relaxing way that leads to creative freedom.

  • Learn through bite-sized art tutorials that focus on simplicity and the creative process.

Are you stuck in busy mode—stressed out and unfulfilled?

  • Guilt creeps in when you think about taking time for yourself

  • You want to play with paint but don’t know where to start

  • To make it worth your time you feel like you have to finish a project

  • You don’t feel like you’re good enough to create art

It’s time to cast aside the million reasons you have not to create.

You get to have a simple creative practice that fits your life.

Around here, art equals slow, simple, and stress-free.

The magic is in the imperfection and the process of exploration. Curiosity reigns over control.

Messy lines, blooming colors, scribbles, and more.

It only takes 3 steps to get started


Make space to create


Gather supplies


Follow along

Creating art is about more than making something beautiful.

It’s a lifestyle. One as grounding, meditative, and challenging as a yoga practice. All you need is a simple creative path that isn’t overwhelming.

As your creative guide, I can help you:

  • increase your creative confidence as your painting knowledge grows

  • believe you’re worthy of investing time in yourself without feeling guilty

  • continue creating even on the days when your art may look like a second-grader dropped their lunch tray on your page

  • enjoy quiet adventures where joy is the path you follow

  • use your creative moments as a healthy way to release stress

My Favorite Art Supplies

The Ultimate Supply List