Ready To Say Yes to Your Creativity? Let’s Explore Mark Making!

Can you feel that creative spark inside you trying to come to the surface? It can feel like a nagging desire to create something, anything, but you don’t know where to start and you don’t believe you have what it takes.

I know how easy it can be to crash on the couch and scroll social media or binge-watch your next show.

But, is that satisfying?

Does social media and TV fill you with joy and wonder?

Starting is hard, I know. But, I want to help you get past that right now!

If you’ve struggled with having a creative practice, and let all the excuses get in your way, you’re not alone. Creating a new habit is exciting at first, in fact, 77% of people keep it up for two weeks. But, in two years, only 9% have continued the habit they wanted to change.

That means your creative habit needs to be simple and satisfying.

That’s Why Starting With Mark Making Is Key

Mark making is all about exploration. It’s all about the process.

You don’t have to finish a painting, you don’t have to complete a sketchbook, all you have to do is PLAY!

  • Have you ever doodled while chatting on the phone? You’ve been mark making.

  • Have you ever drawn a stick figure? You’ve been mark making.

  • Have you ever sketched a simple flower? You’ve been mark making.

  • Have you ever made dots on a page? You’ve been mark making.

You’ve been mark making without even realizing it!

It’s the easiest way to begin a simple creative practice that’s sustainable and fun.

Mark making can be done with a pencil, markers, crayons, paint, brushes, sticks, and more. Pretty much anything you can think of to make a mark on a page can be a mark making tool.

That’s why it’s incredibly relaxing and enjoyable. It’s always something new.

You’re Thinking You Can’t Do It

Taking time for yourself to create seems impossible and guilt overcomes you, so you tell yourself a million reasons why you can’t do it. TOP REASON: I’m not good enough.

Before I started painting, I wanted to try it, but I never felt good enough either. It wasn’t until a friend invited me to try it out with her that I released my fear just enough to do it.

Let me be that friend for you.

I’m inviting you into the creative world through mark making.

Here’s Where You Can Begin

Explore Mark Making is a free 30-day challenge with prompts and inspiration that come straight to your inbox. All you need is some black paint and a variety of papers to get started. The tools we use for mark making include household objects, nature items, and a paintbrush.


Easiest Mark Making Step

Grab Mark Making Made Easy: A Traceable Workbook. This book was made to help you nail down a creative habit with a pencil and two minutes a day. If you’re feeling nervous about creating, this is an excellent place to start.

It really can’t be any easier with the done-for-you marks to trace with a pencil.


Learn Even More

The Beginner’s Guide To Mark Making is an in-depth resource that goes through what mark making is, what different tools are available, project ideas, using limitations, pushing your limits, and more.

  • NO MORE wondering if you’re good enough to paint.

  • NO MORE thinking you have to finish something when you create.

  • JUST free-flowing self-expression rooted in curiosity and exploration.

  • JUST freedom and play.


You’ve Made It This Far

If you’ve made it to this point, I know you’re ready to begin creating. You have the craving, you just need that nudge to get started.

That’s why I’m here, inviting you into the amazing world of creativity.

Which path will you choose first?


Using Warm Colors To Create Joy in Your Sketchbook


Discover the Joy of Mark Making: A 30-Day Journey