Rise and Bloom Collection

Dan and I had just finished twisting and turning over the mountain roads to reach the entrance to our cabin in the woods. A three-day weekend with no kids was just beginning. As we bumped over the stony driveway, I looked up and one of my favorite things was directly in front of us.

A blooming sunflower field.

Each sunflower petal was shining golden as the setting sun rays lit them up. I was captivated and sucked into the present moment. What a gift to kickstart our weekend.

I love those moments when I’m experiencing a fresh encounter with something beautiful.

This is what happens when you come across things that make you feel alive. You may not know why (I have no idea why sunflowers light me up, they just always have) and that’s ok.

You get to deeply feel a connection with something outside of yourself.

The art equivalent?

Having an original piece of artwork in your home that feels like an authentic expression of who you are.

Art can give you moments like coming across the sunflower field.

If you’re ready for this…

the Rise and Bloom collection launches this Friday, August 19th.

This collection is an exploration of rising from the ashes after hard seasons. Of rising and blooming with purpose, with light, with hope, with love.

It’s a celebration of resilience.

And, if a piece takes your breath away like that sunflower field did to me, grab it.

Here’s a sneak peek of a few of the pieces being released.

Original artwork has a soulful vibe unlike anything you can buy in a big box store.

Enjoy the experience of browsing through the floral art paintings in this collection.


A Gentle Creative Process


Make your walls sing when you hang art that you love